20/20 Vison

So, it’s 2020…

My new year started with unexpected fire works and an incredibly freaked out rabbit. Honestly, I thought the poor little guy was going to have a heart attack. It’s times like that I don’t miss living in the city at all. Oh, I guess I should probably mention that we finally moved out of my parent’s house. Not that we are finally financially stable or doing well enough to settle down, it was just needed. It’s fine for now and we’re managing it. We didn’t move far from the city, but far enough for some peace and quiet and the safety I’ve been desperately needing. Our new neighbourhood is by the ocean and usually smells like salty seaweed and woodsmoke. I spent Christmas and New Years at my parents house while Will was back in Québec spending time with his family.

Getting back to the new year, So far I don’t have any big plans. There are some small things I’d like to accomplish, but I’ve never been one to make resolutions…or actually stick to them. I mostly just want to make more art, take better care of myself, and cut back on how much time I spend on the internet. More music, less tv, more vegetables, less chocolate. Try to be kinder to myself and not see my life as a bunch of problems that need to be solved. Drink more water and spend more time outside. Little things that are manageable or easily done.

Another thing I wanted to do this year is to spend less time mindlessly scrolling through the apps on my phone and to make my time on the internet feel a bit more meaningful. I’ve started blogging again to sort of clear out the cobwebs in my brain and to document and process my thoughts. I’m not sure if I’ll be able to stick with it, but I’m certainly going to try!